For an individual, buying a house will be one of the most significant achievements in their life. It will also take a lot of effort, given that real estate prices can be high. Most people apply for home loans to arrange for the required funds. While a home loan is a great solution, one must thoroughly plan the loan’s repayment. This is important to avoid any financial complications in the future.
Now, while applying for a home loan, a borrower needs to focus on the interest rate the lender offers. The interest of the loan is added to the home loan EMIs. Now, how does the claim get affected based on the repayment tenure? Is increasing the EMI payments or repayment tenure better to save on the total interest payment towards the home loan? To learn the answer to all these questions, go through the following to understand how EMIs are affected with the following actions:
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Increasing the EMI payments
A lot of borrowers wonder whether increasing their EMI payments is beneficial. It is common for employees to receive bonuses or appraisals at work for excelling in their performances. Home loan borrowers can increase their EMI payments sooner to clear their home loans. This does not just help in becoming debt-free first; it is also very effective in reducing the total interest payments towards the home loan. This is because the interest is added with each home loan EMI payment. By increasing the EMI payments, the borrower effectively pays off the home loan in fewer installments, thus cutting the total interest paid. So, increasing the EMI payments of a home loan is an effective way of saving interest.
Extending the repayment tenure
There have been cases where borrowers have extended their repayment tenure. This could be because they struggle to repay the home loan or seek a more flexible repayment tenure. Whatever the case, extending the term will not help save interest. A borrower increases the monthly installments by developing a home loan’s repayment tenure, and the housing loan interest rate payments are added with each installment. While paying off smaller installments would get easier with an extended term, keep in mind that the total interest would increase.
By looking at both the scenarios of increasing EMI payments and extending the tenure, it is obvious that the former will help save interest payments on the home loan. However, one must remember their budget to find the right balance. This is where a home loan EMI calculator will be useful. This home loan calculator displays the EMI results, so one can change the loan amount, tenure, and interest rate to arrive at a suitable EMI result.